Africa Data

Spatial Technologies offers a variety of up-to-date and accurate background maps for African Countries that can be used for a variety of applications. Knowing where suburb, city, administrative boundaries, and points of interest are can assist companies in creating sales territories, identify competitor locations, identify locations for new sites and much more!

We also have a variety of demographic information that helps with marketing objectives such as site location, target marketing, forecasting market potential, customer profiling, and segmentation.

Click below to download the African Demographics brochure

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Quality Spatial Platform (QSP) is the premium data set of Africa. It is an extremely comprehensive geographic map base encompassing a national atlas and data (such as streets, suburbs, cities, towns administrative areas, land-use etc) for both metropolitan and rural areas. QSP is built using the same data-set as utilized by world-class GPS vehicle navigation systems and is available for most countries throughout Africa.


The BizIndicator dataset can easily provide the needed focus on business and network expansion. One such example is the analysis of potential new customers within a company’s footprint – allowing you to fish where the fish are! Telecommunication companies across the country are constantly looking for new, innovative ways in which they can secure new business within their ready-to-deploy areas of network and fibre coverage. Bizindicator can easily provide insight into the potential customers that already exist within a connected building or area of high profit potential.

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Get answers

Where are the competitors? Where has there been an increase in companies of a certain business category? Where does your company expand to next? Gain insight into more than 200 000 officially registered businesses across the whole of South Africa with names and contact details, address data, website and email information, staff headcounts and industry categorisation.

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Pinpoint accuracy WITH BizIndicator

  • 200 000 companies
  • Slice and dice the database to meet your unique target market
  • Search according to Industry Sector
  • Includes business hours and staff headcounts

BizIndicator is available as a geo-coded set of actual locations of each service provider with an address and contact name, email contacts, website, industry information, headcount and geo-coordinates.

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Quality Spatial Platform (QSP) is the premium data set of Africa. It is an extremely comprehensive geographic map base encompassing a national atlas and data (such as streets, suburbs, cities, towns administrative areas, land-use etc) for both metropolitan and rural areas. QSP is built using the same dataset as utilised by world-class GPS vehicle navigation systems and is available for most countries throughout Africa.

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The Points of Interest (POI) dataset is a definitive source for commercial, landmark and recreational destinations and hubs in Africa. It has been crafted to be a complete, current and positionally accurate data file for countries in Africa. The POI is a dataset of geographic and commercial features that highlight location and function information and is a standard layer within the QSP dataset.

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Demographic data is available for most African countries that can be easily integrated into existing geospatial systems and services to determine the types of product or services required for different target markets.

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Demographic estimates are provided at the most detailed administrative level to gain a competitive advantage and to identify expansion opportunities and possible trade areas.

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Understand the density of target profiles using demographic data in a catchment area to increase planning effectiveness, identify expansion opportunities, and to understand the density of activity within a catchment area.

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Gain insight into possible catchment or trade areas to increase planning effectiveness and to gain a competitive advantage using up-to-date demographic data.

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Africa Profiler is a comprehensive and detailed spatially enabled, economic and demographic database for Africa that is the result of the amalgamation of a variety of detailed, reliable and current data sources including: ADC World Map, UN, World Bank, UNGEGN, ISO, WTTC, The Africa Report, and the Mo Ibrahim Foundation. This truly remarkable dataset offers tremendous insight for companies wishing to expand their footprint into Africa, and is released at country level.

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